Category: Ranks

  • My 15 Biggest Winners from Summer Game Fest Week

    My 15 Biggest Winners from Summer Game Fest Week

    In a lot of the reaction pieces that I see from things like Summer Game Fest, the winners are usually the surprises and big showings. And those are awesome and all, but these often miss the mark, in my opinion. Summer Game Fest, Xbox Showcases, State of Plays, etc, are built for the purpose of…

  • My Top 10 “Video Games as Art”

    My Top 10 “Video Games as Art”

    It wasn’t that long ago that arguments would still pop up from time to time declaring that “video games are not art.” By the strictest definition of art, it was almost always an absurd statement. Oxford Dictionary says that art is “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual…

  • BigNerdGaming’s Top 10 Games of 2021

    BigNerdGaming’s Top 10 Games of 2021

    This is the next step in my journey to eventually release a top 50 games of all time list. 2021 was one of the weaker years in recent gaming history to me. The pandemic slowing down work for a while is a pretty logical explanation as to why. Despite that, there was enough good where…

  • My Top 10 Games With a Metacritic Score of 76 Or Less

    My Top 10 Games With a Metacritic Score of 76 Or Less

    As I talked about in my post last week, when a game averages scores in the 7s on an aggregator site like Metacritic, it seems to have a bit of a stink on it. Gamers become wary of it and even view it as a bad score, despite the fact that almost every review scale…

  • The Ten Biggest Winners From The III Showcase + My Thoughts on Indie Games

    The Ten Biggest Winners From The III Showcase + My Thoughts on Indie Games

    As long as I am writing about video games, I will be writing and talking about indie games. I don’t do this out of charity or out of some sort of hipster pride. I write about indie games because year after year, they go toe to toe with AAA games and produce some of the…

  • My Top 25 Moments From Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth

    My Top 25 Moments From Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth

    (This should be obvious, but this list contains massive spoilers) I’m a big “moments” guy. I love to look back on the best moments from a year in video games and rank them, and think about them. It is one of my favorite lists to make each year (you can see my 2023 list here!)…

  • The Top 10 Games I Need More People to Play

    The Top 10 Games I Need More People to Play

    In the world of gaming, there is almost nothing more sad than absolutely loving a game, and then not seeing any conversation about it. If you love a video game, you generally want the world to share in that joy you felt while playing it. When you dive into the world of indies in particular,…

  • BigNerdGaming’s Top 10 Games of 2022

    BigNerdGaming’s Top 10 Games of 2022

    When I don’t have other things to write about, I’m slowly starting to work on doing top 10s for each year through the mid-1990s. This is in anticipation of doing bigger lists, like my greatest games of all time. I find ranking games year by year is an easier way to parse through things over…

  • The Biggest Winners Of the Playstation State of Play

    The Biggest Winners Of the Playstation State of Play

    Much like the Xbox Developer Direct a few weeks ago, I came away Playstation’s latest games showcase neither super excited or disappointed. I thought it was fine. Much like that Xbox Developer Direct, no game totally blew me away, but also, just like that show, I became a bit more interested in several games, which…

  • Ranking the Xbox Developer Direct Showcases

    Ranking the Xbox Developer Direct Showcases

    After last January’s Xbox developer showcase where Hi-Fi Rush was surprise dropped, this now seemingly annual tradition might be one of the most anticipated gaming showcases of the year. This year was guaranteed to be a big deal because the next Indiana Jones game was being revealed, and there were hopes for another surprise as…