Category: Reviews

  • Stellar Blade Review: More Like “Really Good Blade”

    Stellar Blade Review: More Like “Really Good Blade”

    In the world of sports, there is nothing more exciting than a rookie. If a rookie shows you just about anything positive in their first year in the pros, your mind starts to extrapolate all the ways that player could become a superstar. Video games can often feel the same way. When you see a…

  • 1000xResist Spoiler Free Review: The Story of a Lifetime… Until it’s Not

    1000xResist Spoiler Free Review: The Story of a Lifetime… Until it’s Not

    I didn’t read any reviews for 1000xResist before I picked it up earlier this month. I just saw that it had gotten tremendous scores and went for it. As I started reading reviews and even some of the games’ marketing material after I beat it, I was surprised by how many plot details were pretty…

  • Rise of the Ronin Review: Combat is King

    Rise of the Ronin Review: Combat is King

    Reviewing video games is an odd and inexact science. While almost every website has a similar review scale these days (7- good, 8- great, etc), I imagine that every reviewer has their own journey as to how they come up with that final number. I feel like, at times, many reviewers start at a certain…

  • Little Kitty, Big City Review: A Pleasant Little Distraction

    Little Kitty, Big City Review: A Pleasant Little Distraction

    At times when I’m playing a particularly difficult or intense video game, my wife will look over at me and say, “You do this to RELAX?”. And well, yes, I do. In the end, I enjoy the intensity and stress that comes from video games. That intensity can be a big part of why I…

  • Unicorn Overlord: The King of Modern SRPGs

    Unicorn Overlord: The King of Modern SRPGs

    One of the hardest parts about playing Unicorn Overlord is its name. Whenever I’m playing it on the go with my Switch, I inevitably will get asked by someone “Hey, what game is that?” And early on, I felt uncomfortable with that question and found ways to duck it or be vague. I’m a pretty…

  • Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II Review: We’re Going To The Movies

    Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II Review: We’re Going To The Movies

    One of the most amazing things about being in my mid-30s is that I have been able to watch almost every step in how video games have evolved over the years. There was a time when I’d watch cutscenes from a game in the PS/N64 era and wonder what it might be like when actual…

  • Animal Well Review: A Hipster Metroidvania Paradise

    Animal Well Review: A Hipster Metroidvania Paradise

    Hipsters get a lot of flak. They want to be different, cool, and edgy. Sometimes, they want to be different so badly that they come across as desperate and, even worse, cringe. But sometimes, hipsters have a point. Sometimes, the uniformity in popular media can get a bit annoying. Sometimes it’s nice to consume media…

  • Death Stranding Review: The Art of Subtlety

    Death Stranding Review: The Art of Subtlety

    If you watch some footage of Death Stranding’s core gameplay, it can be easy to assume that it is not a particularly engaging video game. You are essentially a delivery man in a post-apocalyptic world. Your mission is to deliver packages from one location to another. The main thing you will be doing in the…

  • Tales of Kenzera Review: Heart is Not Enough

    Tales of Kenzera Review: Heart is Not Enough

    One of my favorite parts of last year’s Game Awards was the speech that Abubaker Salim gave to introduce Tales of Kenzera: Zau. In a ceremony filled with random celebrities and dumb bits, this was a moment where a game developer poured his heart out and made me care about his game purely through his…

  • Harold Halibut Review: Worth The Wait

    Harold Halibut Review: Worth The Wait

    There are some games, even some I absolutely loved, where the credits hit, and I immediately skip them and move on to something else. And then there are the games where the credits roll, and I end up sitting there and just taking it all in. I become lost in thought, reflecting about what just…