Tag: review

  • Unicorn Overlord: The King of Modern SRPGs

    Unicorn Overlord: The King of Modern SRPGs

    One of the hardest parts about playing Unicorn Overlord is its name. Whenever I’m playing it on the go with my Switch, I inevitably will get asked by someone “Hey, what game is that?” And early on, I felt uncomfortable with that question and found ways to duck it or be vague. I’m a pretty…

  • Animal Well Review: A Hipster Metroidvania Paradise

    Animal Well Review: A Hipster Metroidvania Paradise

    Hipsters get a lot of flak. They want to be different, cool, and edgy. Sometimes, they want to be different so badly that they come across as desperate and, even worse, cringe. But sometimes, hipsters have a point. Sometimes, the uniformity in popular media can get a bit annoying. Sometimes it’s nice to consume media…

  • Harold Halibut Review: Worth The Wait

    Harold Halibut Review: Worth The Wait

    There are some games, even some I absolutely loved, where the credits hit, and I immediately skip them and move on to something else. And then there are the games where the credits roll, and I end up sitting there and just taking it all in. I become lost in thought, reflecting about what just…